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In this week's Crossroads, you will find information on:
Covid-19 Update/In-person Worship continues
Holy Communion every Sunday
Threshold Housing Society
Welcoming New Choral Scholar
Dessert & Dialogue Follow-up
Wedding, Friday October 9
Fall Food or Fund Drive
Ottawa trying to toss out climate lawsuit from youth activists
Karren Stinson bursary
Reformation Sunday
Video Study Group
You are invited to a year of reading the Bible!
Call for Photos
Continuing Ways to join worship on-line
Read ahead
This Week at Church of the Cross
The deadline for all Crossroads submissions is Wednesday at noon. Thank you.
Please visit our website for more information about us and our events.
Our prayers a re with Denise Pawliuk and Karl Maier and family in the death of Denise’s brother Craig on September 28. And our prayers are with Joanne and Wesley Solomonson and family in the death of Joanne’s Mom, Tereasa on September 29. And our prayers are with Dana and Barry McKee and family in the death of Dana’s father, Ernie on October 4. Rest eternal grant them, O God, and let light perpetual shine upon them.
Covid-19 Update/In-person Worship continues – Sunday, October 11 at 10 AM
Worship continues to be limited to 35 people in the congregation plus those leading and assisting. Last Sunday there were a total of 27 so there is lots of room for those who wish to join in-person worship. Please email or call the church office, and pastorlyle@shaw.ca, pastorlylndon@shaw.ca to indicate your intention to be present. Worship will continue to be livestreamed as well.
Those who join in worship should expect the following:
- Everyone is asked to wear a mask while in the church building, if you do not have one, one will be provided.
- You may have to line up at the front doors as you arrive using the spacing marked on chalk on the walkway.
- You will be asked to sanitize your hands, sign in, and then be ushered to a seat in the sanctuary
- Seating will be distanced except among family/contact groups
- A worship folder will be provided including the text of the songs. The congregation is asked not to sing, but welcome to hum the melodies. It is an opportunity to meditate/reflect on the words being sung.
- At the time of Holy Communion, the presider(s) will go out to wash their hands. Ushers will invite you forward if you wish to commune, the bread will be placed in your hands by the presider, and you will be invited to pick-up a glass of wine/grape juice which are spaced in the trays. The empty glasses are then placed in the next tray before you return to your seat.
- At the end of worship, you will be ushered outside where people may visit at a distance, if they wish.
The Covid-19 Leadership Team continues to monitor the local conditions and recommendations of the Health Authorities and to adjust our practices as needed. The Team recently met on site with an Environmental Health Officer for our area to review all of our procedures and protocols. The review was very positive and helpful.
Holy Communion every Sunday
As worship now includes Holy Communion every Sunday, those who wish to join in celebrating Holy Communion at home are invited to prepare a small amount of bread and wine (or grape juice if required) on a plate and in a cup, prior to worship. You may also wish to light a candle(s) as part of worshipping at home. At the time of Holy Communion, you are invited to have the elements in front of you, join in the words of thanksgiving and to lift the bread and wine at the same time as the presiding minister. At the time of Communing, share the bread with yourself or with one another with the words: “The body of Christ given for you.” and “The blood of Christ shed for you.” After Communing, or following worship, please consume the remaining bread and wine. This invitation is for those who wish to and feel comfortable joining in Communion at home during worship. Those who do not feel comfortable are welcome to observe Holy Communion celebrated at the church as we trust in God’s Spirit and gifts of grace offered to all as and where we are. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact the Church office or Pastor Lyndon or Pastor Lyle.

Join Threshold Housing Society for a virtual screening of the documentary 19 and Homeless.
The documentary 19 & Homeless captures two years in the lives of a group of former foster youth as they age out of care and transition into adulthood. This documentary includes a Threshold graduate’s journey from aging out of foster care to being supported by the Threshold program. This film captures youth navigating their challenges, barriers, their trauma, as well as their moments of joy.
In British Columbia, when a youth in government care turns 19 years old, they often lose access to essential support services, such as their housing, social worker, mental health services, and financial support. Youth age out of care, whether they are ready or not – at an age that is often already challenging and stressful.
This can result in major risk factors contributing to future experiences of homelessness in adulthood and increased risk to illness, injury, assault, substance dependence, mental health issues, and death. There is an over representation of Indigenous people experiencing homelessness, which can be directly linked to the over representation of Indigenous youth in government care. This is an outcome resulting from the ongoing legacy of colonialism. We want to highlight and bring to the forefront the various challenges, barriers, and trauma youth aging out of government care often face. In hopes of creating positive changes to our system and for youth aging out of care.
The screening will virtually take place on October 7th, 16th and 23rd, 2020 at 7pm.
Please register here - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/19-homeless-documentary-virtual-screening-tickets-123060843295
Threshold Housing Society prevent adult homelessness by providing safe housing, support services, and community to at-risk youth. We serve youth who are aging out of government care, fleeing violence and abuse in the home, and/or experiencing homelessness. We envision a community where all youth have an opportunity to thrive.
Our donors have helped provide 100’s of safe homes and brighter futures to the at-risk youth in our community. We could not do this work without their support, without you, and we hope you will consider supporting us by donating. Please visit, www.thresholdhousing.ca/donate to help provide a brighter future today.
Welcoming New Choral Scholar
This Sunday we welcome Abby Corpus as a new choral scholar at Church of the Cross, serving together with Grady Forsberg who will continue for the coming year. Abby is a first year student at UVic as a voice major and has a background in choral singing, including in church settings.
We thanked Kyla Fradette last Sunday for serving as choral scholar over the summer and early fall. Kyla had a prior commitment on Sundays this fall and was unable to continue as choral scholar. We look forward to welcoming her back as a special guest in the future.
Dessert & Dialogue Follow-up
Thanks to everyone who joined the Dessert & Dialogue conversation on October 7 featuring Carolyn Klaassen. Some folks have asked whether the conversation was recorded and available to view. It was not recorded in part because we did not receive permission from Carolyn in advance and the conversation included sharing personal details about her life. There is a different kind of confidence and trust established through a small group than making someone’s story available to the public on-line. Given positive feedback both from Carolyn leading worship on Orange Shirt Sunday and Dessert and Dialogue, we look forward to welcoming Carolyn to Church of the Cross again sometime in the future. - Pr. Lyndon
Wedding, Friday October 9 – 7 PM PDT
Holly Cochrane and Braeden McKenzie will celebrate their marriage on Friday, October 9 at 7 PM PDT at Lutheran Church of the Cross. The in-person worship is limited to a small number of invited family and friends, but you are invited to join the livestream of the worship by visiting this link: https://www.lumeraevents.com/hollybraeden or
the Church website www.lutheranvictoria.ca for the link. If you have any issues during the livestream you may email (shane.archer@lumeraproductions.ca) A copy of the order of worship is available here (CLICK HERE)
Fall Food or Fund Drive – help the Kitchen provide items needed for Thanksgiving!
Beginning Sunday October 4th, a designated box and baskets will be placed in the church entranceway for two weeks for collecting perishable and non-perishable food items for the Shelbourne Community Kitchen. Since March of this year, the Kitchen has seen a 20% increase in people registering with their Programs. By the end of August 2020, the Kitchen had 688 participants including 134 new registrants.
When bringing donated items to the Church, please follow the protocols for entering the church building, including sanitizing your hands after entering, wearing a mask and signing in before placing items in the donation boxes. As well as food donations, monetary gifts are appreciated as well and help provide vouchers for the Power-to-Choose program. Options for monetary giving are available through the church including online through the website www.lutheranvictoria.ca, mailing a cheque, e-transfer or dropping a cheque or cash off at the Church. Thank you for your generous support of the Shelbourne Community Kitchen.
Suggested food items include:
Perishable items to prepare a Thanksgiving meal: onions, potatoes, other vegetables
Non-perishable items: Stove Top Stuffing, Chicken Bouillon, canned cranberry, pumpkin
Regular pantry items: canned meat or fish, peanut butter, canned beans (chickpeas, black beans, etc), canned fruits
Ottawa trying to toss out climate lawsuit from youth activists
Catherine Boise Parker who was a guest at Church of the Cross for a Saturday “Breakfast and Dialogue” in February, and one of the lawyers who represents the fifteen Canadian youth suing the Federal Government over climate change, sent the following news update this week. We can show our support for the youth by contacting our MP or writing the Federal Government identifying our concern about the Government’s response to climate change and the lawsuit. The article is available here:
Karren Stinson bursary
We celebrate the 30th. Anniversary of the Karren Stinson Bursary this year. It is hard to believe that so many years have passed since its inception. The first applicant to receive the bursary was our own bishop, Susan Johnson. Since that time, awards have been made to deserving candidates in memory and honour of Karren Louise Stinson.
Karren was the parish worker at church of the cross for six years. She resigned that position to enter the University of Victoria’s school of social work. Unfortunately, her dream was quickly dashed at the age of 32 years when she was stricken with a burst aneurysm, just as she had begun her studies. To honour Karren’s dedicated spirit, a bursary was established in her memory.
The Bursary Committee invites the congregation to tell friends, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, etc. About the bursary. Encourage them to seek an application. Applications can be obtained from the church office or from the church website. All applications must be received by October 31st.
Blessings and with thanks,
Catherine Krock
Welcoming those who are new – Reformation Sunday, October 25 – 10 AM
One of the many challenges of the pandemic has been a delay in recognizing and welcoming those who are new and wish to join the community of Church of the Cross. Two or three times a year, we have provided this opportunity though Affirmation of Baptism together. Having not been able to do so yet in 2020, we want to begin preparing for this in October. If you would like to be part of joining the congregation through Affirmation of Baptism, or if you have not been Baptized and wish to be, or if you have any questions, please contact Pastor Lyndon or Pastor Lyle. Everyone who shares a sense of connection and belonging in this community is welcome.
Video Study Group “Pro-Future Faith” Tuesdays - 7PM on Zoom
Those who are interested can still join the video study group, Tuesdays at 7 PM on Zoom for an 8-session course titled, “ProFuture Faith – the Prodigal Species Comes Home” with lecturer Rev. Michael Dowd. To register, contact the church office. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Lyle or Pastor Lyndon.
You are invited to a year of reading the Bible!

ELCIC National Bishop Susan Johnson invites you to form a Bible Book Club with members of your church, your friends, family or others from your community as a way to study scripture and discuss the Bible together.
September 2020 marks the second year of the Living our Faith initiative, to which our emphasis has shifted from prayer to reading. Each month we will focus together on a different book of the Bible. Our first month, September, has us reading the book of Genesis. Form your Bible Book Club, use the introduction taken from the Lutheran Study Bible, read the appointed book, download the prepared questions and join in the discussion.
Call for Photos
We are looking for photos for our 2021 Eternity for Today cover series! Eternity for Today is a printed publication of daily devotions from rostered leaders across our church. For next year's covers, we are looking for ELCIC members to share their photos and selfies of them reading the Bible as part of our emphasis on the Living our Faith Bible Book Club. Please consider how you might be able to help and send your photos to info@elcic.ca.
Continuing Ways to join worship on-line:
Sunday Worship Livestream, 10 AM PDT:
Go to website: www.lutheranvictoria.ca and click on the livestream link.
Copies of the bulletin/worship order for each Sunday are available for download, and printing if you wish, on the website.
View past worship videos by visiting “About/Videos” tab of the website:
View Sunday School videos and activities here:
Tuesday Morning Prayer continues each week at 8:30 AM PDT
On Facebook Live and you can view past videos here:
You do not need a Facebook account to view the church page.
Read ahead: Thanksgiving Sunday
- Sunday, October 11, 2020 Deuteronomy 8:7-18
Psalm 65
2 Corinthian 9:6-15
Luke 17:11-19
Worship Bulletin: CLICK HERE for Worship Bulletin
This Week at Church of the Cross
