
Join Church of the Cross as we livestream worship. Visit the links below at times indicated in order to join a live broadcast on your phone, iPad, laptop, or PC. 

Mid-Week Lenten Evening Prayer
Live broadcast on Thursday, March 19, 7:00 PM PST
Visit Facebook Live at the church page:

Morning Prayer
Live broadcast on Friday, March 20, 8:30 AM PST
Visit Facebook Live at the church page:

Sunday Morning Worship (adapted for on-line format)
Live broadcast on Sunday, March 22, 10:00 AM PST
Visit Facebook Live at the church page:

NOTE: You do not need to join Facebook or have a Facebook account in order to access the livestream. Simply visit the above link at the appointed time. You can also view the video after the livestream has ended. Videos are saved and can be accessed at any time following the livestream. We may explore sharing on other platforms but are keeping things simple as we get started.

Worship materials already available:

Check out past sermons available in print at our web-site:

Last Sunday’s sermon available in audio (March 15):

These are new adventures for us at Church of the Cross.We ask for your patience as we explore this medium and work out bugs and kinks. It is one way we stay connected during a time at which we take physical distance.

Look for more details and updates in the forthcoming edition of Crossroads, including paper copies, which we will be sending in the mail. We realize not everyone has access to the internet and continue to connect with people in other ways.

Peace of Christ be with you,

Worship Team
Lutheran Church of the Cross